There are 7 Potoo species in the world, all in middle and South America - 3 of them displayed here.
Es gibt 7 Tagschläferarten auf der Welt, alle in Mittel- und Südamerika - 3 davon hier dargestellt.
upper row of flying birds and sides in lowest row (mobile version might differ):
Great Potoo | Riesentagschläfer | Nyctibius grandis | Amazon Basin, Brazil | February 2024
flying great potoos: Canon EOS R5 |  Canon RF 100-500 mm f 4.5-7.1 L  | 300mm |  1/1000 |  f 7.1 |  ISO 51.200 | +1.7 EV | no camera flash, but pocket lamp | handheld
sitting great potoos: Canon EOS R5 |  Canon RF 100-500 mm f 4.5-7.1 L  | 500mm |  1/320 |  f 7.1 |  ISO 25.600 | -3 EV | no camera flash, but pocket lamp | handheld
middle image:
Rufous Potoo | Tropfentagschläfer | Nyctibius bracteatus | Amazon Basin, Brazil | February 2024
Canon EOS R5 |  Canon RF 100-500 mm f 4.5-7.1 L  | 500mm |  1/40 |  f 7.1 |  ISO 16.000 | 0 EV | no camera flash, but pocket lamp | handheld
lower middle:
White-winged Potoo | Weißflügel-Tagschläfer | Nyctibius leucopterus | Amazon Basin, Brazil | February 2024
Canon EOS R5 |  Canon RF 100-500 mm f 4.5-7.1 L  | 500mm |  1/100 |  f 7.1 |  ISO 20.000 | -0.7 EV | no camera flash, but pocket lamp | handheld